A place for motorbike enthusiasts to connect

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to; The Old Boys Motorcycle Workshop.....

The Old Boys Motorcycle Workshop is basically a place created by a couple of retired Guys and an ever growing number of Ladies with a common interest in motorcycles, together with other like minded people we can meet up in our Canteen and just shoot the breeze, or relax and just take it easy, some of us choose to think up some crazy and exciting ideas, and then the trouble starts ! Within our Group there is a huge amount of experience and knowledge that all comes in very handy when we start Project Manage any of the crazy ideas thought up over copious amounts of Tea and Coffee, these projects and events need expertise to make happen, and to achieve that Teams are created to manage each of the Projects through to fruition. Being as “Team Player” and part of a Project Team in itself we have found is a massive support mechanism in helping those of us seeking a “Purpose” and fighting against some of the darker aspects of being Semi / Retired and our mental health issues that can come along as a result, but everything possible you just need “Purpose”. Our intention is to think up “Challenges”, Events, Trips, create Custom built Motorcycles, and/or Restore, Maintain, and keep our own well Serviced, anyone who wants to take advantage of our Facilities is most welcome to contact us so we can discuss your needs and requirement… 80% of our Profits are all reinvested into our business, we also raise funds, not only for our own future Projects, but also to support some of the other good causes we also sponsor. The Workshop is open to the Public for Bike Servicing, Maintenance and our Bikes page offers a safe and secure way to Buy/Sell Motorcycles, our Canteen is reserved for our “Players” and visitors and offers somewhere to just hangout. Our “Team Players” support us with a small monthly contribution, and in turn enjoy a number of benefits from complimentary Tea and Coffee and heavily discounted Workshop Rates, so checkout how to get involved and become a Team “Player”…. Our Canteen is a very simple laid back atmosphere, where Guys (and our Ladies) both while away the time, discussing our next Challenge, as we all now have the time to do the things we always wanted to but never were able or had the time….

Register: Free

“Registration” provides access to the website, but you really should consider the benefits of becoming a “Team Player” to enjoy the full benefits of The Old Boys Motorcycle Workshop.

Become a Team “Player”:  £10.00 a month 

  • Discounted Advertising on our Website
  • Discounted national bike collection & delivery (free pick-up & return within 5 miles)
  • Discounted workshop labour charges just £40.00/hr instead of our Standard £60/ph
  • Complimentary Tea and Coffee from our Canteen.
  • Discounted Bike Storage.
  • Motorcycle Parts at Trade cost prices…
  • As soon as we are able there will be an Old Boys monthly event absolutely FREE to all our Players !
  • So much more planned

What is The Old Boys website?

Our Website is very much an evolving platform and forever changing and altering as we find our way, and how best to project ourselves using modern media to encourage the very best from people, so things will change, some added, some removed, but sometimes “the old ways are best” and this website is the central platform from which The Old Boys launch ourselves to other media. Life has a habit of making you a little Grumpy sometimes when frustrated by the behaviour of some people today, well here at The Old Boys we still hang on to our Old Skool, ethics, morals, and pride in ourselves, we work hard to bring back some “Purpose” in our lives by making things we want to do happen, especially as now we have the time, expertise, and money to do things we never had when we were working 14 hours a day !
The Old Boys Network is awesome, the Resources available, Knowledge, Expertise, and ability learned over years of getting Old and Grumpy are all there to be exploited and put to a far better use, there’s so much more we can do together if we pool the talent, and experience a bunch of 50+  YOUNG grumpy buggers have.

The Old Boys ride again!